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Python Advanced- Plotting with seaborn

Another post starts with you beautiful people.
I hope you have learnt how to plot pyplot and scatter from the dataset and if not please visit my previous posts about those.
Today we will continue with our plotting lessons and learn how to plot a box plot [tell me more about box plot] and heat map [what is heat map?] with the help of seaborn library.
seaborn is a matplotlib based library for drawing more attractive graphics and for more details about this library please visit here seaborn library

We will use the same dataset as we used in ploting the scatter cars data so if you don't have the dataset, please download it from my previous post. The link is already given above.

Let's first import the library as below-
Now first plot the box plot-
The plot look pretty cool, right?

Let's move ahead and plot the heat map for the flights data and this data you can download from flight data download now

First load the data as below-

Next,arrange the data-

In the end plot the heat map as given below-

See the beauty of seaborn library. It makes our plot attractive.

Let's change the colour of the heat-

So keep practicing in your notebook and comment if you face any issue or follow me to take time to time update.


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