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Python Basics- Dictionaries

Dictionary is another useful type in Python and it is indexed by keys(any immutable type).
Today we will learn how to store/extract/deleting a value with some key using dictionaries.
You can find more details here- Python Dictionaries

Following is a given dictionary where we will do some hand on-

  • Add a key to inventory called 'pocket'.
  • Set the value of 'pocket' to be a list consisting of the strings 'seashell', 'strange berry', and 'lint'.
  • sort()the items in the list stored under the 'backpack' key.
  • Then .remove('dagger') from the list of items stored under the 'backpack' key.
  • Add 50 to the number stored under the 'gold' key.

  • Create two new dictionaries called prices and stocks using {} format like the example above.
  • Put these values in your prices dictionary:  "banana": 4,"apple": 2,"orange": 1.5,"pear": 3
  • Put these values in your stocks dictionary:  "banana": 12,"apple": 24,"orange": 15,"pear": 35
  • Loop through each key in prices. For each key, print out the key along with its price and stock information. 

  • First, make a list called groceries with the values "banana","orange", and "apple".
  • Define this two dictionaries:

stock = { "banana": 6, "apple": 0, "orange": 32, "pear": 15 }
prices = { "banana": 4, "apple": 2, "orange": 1.5, "pear": 3 }

  • Define a function compute_bill that takes one argument food as input.
  •  In the function, create a variable total with an initial value of zero. 
  • For each item in the food list, add the price of that item to total. 
  • Finally, return the total. Ignore whether or not the item you're billing for is in stock. Note that your function should work for any food list.
  • Make the following changes to your compute_bill function:
  • While you loop through each item of food, only add the price of the item to total if the item's stock count is greater than zero.
  • If the item is in stock and after you add the price to the total, subtract one from the item's stock count.

So keep practicing by your own with above examples in your notebook and comment if you face any issue.


  1. Thank you for sharing! I always appreciate engaging with excellent content like this. The ideas presented are not only valuable but also creatively presented, making the post thoroughly enjoyable. Keep up the fantastic work.


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