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Python Advanced- Inroduction to NumPy

NumPy or Numerical Python is the most fundamental package designed for scientific computing and data analysis.
Most of the other packages such as pandas is built on top of it, and is an important package to know and learn about.
At the heart of NumPy is a data structure called ndarray. Using ndarray, you can store large multidimensional datasets in Python.

 In order to be able to use NumPy, first import it using import statement-

If you are doing performance intensive work, then saving space is of importance. In such cases, you can import specific modules of NumPy by using -

Let's understand why we need numpy with below code snippet?

If you run the above code you will get following error-
To get the expected result we need to convert the list into numpy array first as below -

I hope with the above example you can easily understand that numpy is an important feature of Python and widely used in mathematical operations required in Data Science.

We can easily find out the shape, size, dimension and type of the array with below code snippet-

Suppose you want to edit the size of the given array then you can do it as below-

For more details about NumPy operations please see NumPy

So keep practicing by your own with above examples in your notebook and comment if you face any issue.


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