Another post starts with you beautiful people! Today we will go through the plotting concepts so that you can draw your plot more clear. How to create Multiple plots on single axis- It is time now to put together some of what we have learned and combine line plots on a common set of axes. The data set here comes from records of undergraduate degrees awarded to women in a variety of fields from 1970 to 2011 . You can download this dataset from here- download dataset we can compare trends in degrees most easily by viewing two curves on the same set of axes. we will issue two plt.plot() commands to draw line plots of different colors on the same set of axes. Here, year represents the x-axis, while physical_sciences and computer_science are the y-axes. Result :- Well done! It looks like, for the last 25 years or so, more women have been awarded undergraduate degrees in the Physical Sciences than in Computer Science. How to use axes()- Rather than overlayin...
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