Greetings, computer vision practitioners👮! I hope you're all doing well in your projects. Recently, I received a new requirement from a client regarding an object detection solution that had been successfully deployed as a REST API. The solution was seamlessly integrated into both web and mobile applications. However, the client encountered network reliability issues, particularly in rural areas where poor connectivity occasionally caused the solution to fail on mobile devices💔. As we know, network disruptions are a common challenge, but they become critical when they impact business operations. My client sought a robust solution to address this issue, ensuring uninterrupted functionality regardless of network conditions. In this blog post, we will explore how I tackled this challenge and implemented an effective solution💓. The Solution: Enabling Offline Object Detection for Mobile Devices Given that network connectivity issues are beyond our control, the most effective soluti...
This blog is dedicated to all aspiring data scientists. I will share my learning about Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, OCR, and Computer Vision with my blog posts. So keep reading my posts and be a better version of yourself. Contact me for any AI-related freelance or consultancy work.