Another post starts with you beautiful people! It is overwhelming for me to see massive interest in my last three posts about the YOLOv7 series💓. Your response keeps me motivated to share my learning with you all 💝. If you have not checked my previous posts about YOLOv7, then I am sharing here links to read those once and then proceed with this post- Train a custom dataset with YOLOv7 Export custom YOLOv7 model to ONNX Export custom YOLOv7 model to TensorRT Till now we have learned about object detection with YOLOv7. In this post, we are going to learn how can we train a custom dataset for instance segmentation task with YOLOv7 👌. For your information instance segmentation is the task of detecting and delineating each distinct object of interest appearing in an image. For our hands-on we need a dataset having images and their annotations in polygon format and of course in YOLO format. So I have found and downloaded the American Sign Language dataset in the required format...
This blog is dedicated to all aspiring data scientists. I will share my learning about Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, OCR, and Computer Vision with my blog posts. So keep reading my posts and be a better version of yourself. Contact me for any AI-related freelance or consultancy work.