Another post starts with you beautiful people! It is quite a wonderful moment for me that many Aspiring Data Scientists like you have connected with me through my facebook page and have started their focused journey to be a Data Scientists by following my book . If you have not then I recommend to atleast visit my last post here . In two of my previous posts we have learnt about keras and colab. In this post I am going to share with you all that TensorFlow 2.0 has been released and one quite interesting news about this release is that our beloved deep learning library keras is in built with it. Yes! You heard it right. If you know keras then using TensorFlow 2.0 library is quite easy for you. One of the interesting benefit of using TensorFlow library is it's visualization tool known as TensorBoard . In this post we are going to learn how to use TensorFlow 2.0 with MNIST dataset and then setup TensorBoard with Google Colaboratory. Let's start this pos...
This blog is dedicated to all aspiring data scientists. I will share my learning about Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, OCR, and Computer Vision with my blog posts. So keep reading my posts and be a better version of yourself. Contact me for any AI-related freelance or consultancy work.