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My New Book is now Available!

                                       Announcing The Release of My New book

Another post starts with you beautiful people!
Today I am very happy and going to share with you all about my happiness. It was almost 6 months of work, dedication and motivation to accumulate my knowledge and experience in a book.

When I have started to learn Data Science with Python, there were rare resources who can teach me all the basics of Data Science so that I can get my first job in this field. Data Science is a vast field, no one can be a master in all fields but one can master in basics and that is asked to everyone whether you are an aspiring data scientist or an experienced one. Keeping this lesson in my mind I determined to make my own notes based on my previous experience and various resources available in internet so that whenever I need to brush up my mind I will use my notes; I will not use Google search or use internet for this.

Believe me my friends! If you decide to learn anything, you search that thing in internet which is a good start but the search result gives you a lot of options and that starts the main issue. You open a link in a tab and end with opening multiple tabs in your browser. The next day or in a few days if you want to recall all your past learning you will have to again open the browser. As a human being your mind will also be distracted by social media and other aids and you will be moved from learning Data science to engage with other stuffs available in internet.

Are you relating yourself with above? If yes, then it is not happening with you only. It has been done with me, it is going on with many people because our mind is trained like this way. But not anymore now! You have decided to learn Data Science and make your career in this field and from now onward you are going to follow the old school way- Reading This Book!

In this book I have described required concepts with easy to follow Python code. The theory is in a concise manner keeping this in mind that you are a practitioner. The language of this book is very simple. All the code will be provided to you in a Jupyter notebook format which you can easily run in your environment. Most important benefit of buying this book is you will get support on any issue, query from me itself. I am sharing following link where you can read starting two chapters of this book without paying any cost- BOOK PREVIEW

If you believe in yourself and from book preview you find my content useful then follow below links to buy this book-

Currently my book is available for 17 countries in Amazon marketplace. In case if no any link is working in your country, let me know. Book will be shipped to your door. Till then Go chase your dreams, have an awesome day, make every second count and see you later in my next post.


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