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Showing posts from February, 2019

How to deploy and consume my base deep learning model as a Rest API?

Another post starts with you beautiful people! In my last  post we have built a digit recognition deep learning model using Keras and achieved 97% of accuracy. If you have just started your deep learning journey; I recommend you to visit my last three posts before starting this post. Keras provides various deep learning models like VGG16, ResNet50, NASNet etc with pre-trained weights which can be used as a base model for your work. You can easily fine tune them as per your requirement without writing a code from scratch. You can find all the details of these model in this link  . These models' weights are pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset . So you can use these models in your image classification task and they can recognize more than 1,000 common object classes out-of-the-box. In this post I am going to share how to use one of these models to identify an object from the given image and then deploy this model as a Rest API using  flask framework . You will also l...